Gmail Account, Archive, Backup & Recovery

MailVault creates your Google Workspace Email cloud based archive and backup to protect your data from user errors and cyber attacks. It automatically backs up new emails in the second there are sent or receive via the API. In this way the email cannot be manipulated or deleted.

You can easily choose what emails will be backed up, by excluding or including certain filters or mailboxes. Our single-click restore allows you to restore your email to your original mailbox with only one click, it couldn’t be faster.

All Features for Google Workspace Email Archiving and Backup

  • Fully automated archiving and backup
  • Fast single-click Disaster Recovery
  • Secured cloud based archive and backup storage

Why archive Gmail and not only backup?

Per design MailVault is archiving Google Workspace Emails. Why? With an archive you have backed up the file, plus you store them audit-proof without the possibility of deleting or manipulation.

You have all benefits of a backup + additional security and fullfilment of legal requirements.