
File recovery error

In case of problems with the file recovery, please note and check the following points:


  • Make sure that the image mount driver "aip2.sys" is present and active on the system.
  • The file system in the image backup must also be supported by the operating system on which you open the image backup.
  • If you used the Windows deduplication function on the source system that was backed up, you must also have activated the Windows deduplication function on the system on which you open this image backup. It is also necessary to open the backup with temporary write access.
  • For a restore where the file ACL is to be copied, the restore destination must also support persistent ACL, e.g. network storage may be restricted and not support this.
  • Files/folders encrypted with Microsoft EFS cannot be restored.
  • If you access the image backup files in the Windows file explorer via ImageExplorer, please note the limitations: ReFS and Linux file systems are not supported, HyperAgent image backup files are not supported, no file/folder items longer than 160 characters are supported.
  • If you want to access NTFS user folders, it is necessary to open the backup with temporary write access to adjust the NTFS permissions.
  • When using the File Recovery Wizard, the progress display may remain at 0% or 99% for a long time. Causes can be:
    • A very large file
    • A lot of small files. 

The restore continues to run in the background, Microsoft Robocopy is used and the log files with the extension *_robocopy.log can be found in the program path: C:\Program Files (x86)\Actiphy\ActiveImage Protector\logs\FileRestore (the path may differ slightly depending on older versions) with the detailed copy status.