Does it bother you when employees delete emails before they've been backed up? Why backing up emails is not enough and why emails without email archiving are much more susceptible to CryptoLocker? We discuss all these topics in our webinar for decision makers.

Email archiving is an important issue and a valuable tool for businesses to ensure the security and privacy of their data. This webinar provides business decision makers with an in-depth look at MailVault email archiving and how they can effectively use MailVault to ensure the security of their data.

We'll also talk about the consequences of employees deleting emails before backing them up. This webinar promises to be an engaging and informative experience and is a great opportunity to learn more about MailVault email archiving and its implications. Immerse yourself with us in a webinar with discussion potential and real demos.

Do you need it more technical? In our webinar for technicians, Sebastian Diesterbeck specifically addresses practical questions and, in the MailVault demo, shows the integration of multiple email servers with different solutions, the rapid recovery of emails and how you can reliably use your email server in just 2 minutes to save.

*In order to answer all questions, the number of participants is strictly limited.